Новогодние поздравления от Клауса Джоула

Dec 29, 2007 15:24

Клаус поздравил меня с Рождеством и Новым годом!

Klaus Joehle:

Hi Hop you have good xmas . You where muving some where i think it was moscow to work whith some uthers.
Hop all is happy. Ill be muving my shop to a new place in januvary. I think its going to be a bissy year for the shop.
Im having a lot of fun with it. Lots of work but i like it maby thats what i like. Lots of pepole ceep asking abut the 3.6 mill but thay dont relis that this shop is somthing i have wanted for as long as i can remeber.
Eny way i hop that you mave a good year of exsiting things.

Клаус Джоул, поздравление

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