Нашел недавно в инете инфу про новинку в сфере автотюнинга - некий музыкальный сигнализатор Колибри. Применяется в качестве дополнения для
сигнализации автомобильной. Делает так, что стандартный звук автомобиля заменяется на новый - любая мелодия или звук в формате мр3, причем передается через Блютуз. Судя по описанию - все легко и просто, и
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home part-time then this is the most important message you’re ever
going to read.
Here’s why:
“Businesses need ME! They’re paying me money - CASH - to a
36-year-old work-at-home mother to get my opinion.”
Guess what?
They also need YOU!
I’m not a marketing expert or a sales gal. In fact, I know very
little about business. But I do know exactly what I like and what
I don’t like. I know what products I would buy and what services
I would use.
Guess what? This is exactly what large companies are paying me
for. They need to know what their average customer needs and
wants. So these companies pay millions of dollars every month to
the average person. In return, the average person, myself
included, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.
You’ve got to try this out. Just click on the link below and
check it out yourself.
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