If anyone is familiar with MediaWiki settings, is there a way to make it so that only registered users can contribute to the wiki? I'm asking this because the spambots are becoming too big a nuisance in
tGAWiki, and the majority of them vandalize the pages anonymously. That's why I think that only allowing registered users to have access to the editing button would help prevent further vandalism in the wiki.
It saddens me that we have to resort to this because I feel a wiki should be a place where even anonymous users can contribute to, but sadly spambots make this dream impossible. I'm getting tired fixing all the articles and IP banning known spambot addresses which increase daily, particularly now when the spambots no longer target a specific page but go for numerous pages simultaneously. This forces me to check on the wiki every single day to fix the articles when I should be using that time for something more productive.
Speaking of which, is there a way to ban certain IP address ranges in MediaWiki? I've noticed that quite a few spambots originate from certain Chinese IP ranges so blocking those IP ranges would help to sort out the problem instead of blocking specific IPs one at a time.
I can't wait for season 2 of Wakfu. The
new opening is mind-blowingly epic, and I really dig the way Amalia and Evangelyne have changed. Gotta love that princess-y collar... ^_^ If the second season is anything like its trailer, it might turn out to be even better than the already great first season. I just hope that the main villain (who seems to be the King of Shushus according to the opening) will have as much tragic depth as the first season's Nox had.
I've just realized that we'll have Tangled's premiere in Finland in about two weeks. Guess how excited I'm going to be when I'll finally see the 50th Disney classic on the silver screen. It'll be the event of a lifetime. I just hope the film will turn out to be worthy of my expectations; at least reviewers have spoken good things about it, and its OST is quite good too. We'll see. =)