Неприятная история приключилась с моей двоюродной сестрой, ценителем и собирателем коллекционных кукол с многолетним стажем. В её коллекции более 100 кукол со всех концов света.Однако, этим летом,ей впервые не повезло. Заказав куклу в середине июня у Bella! Studios/ Christina Bougas и оплатив предзаказ, она до сих пор его не дождалась, несмотря на то, что он был обещан в течении 4-8 недель. Сестра заказывала через посредника. Ни она, ни посредник долго не могли добиться от незадачливой мастерицы ни единого письма с объяснениями.Та просто молчала. В конце августа, наконец объявилась и в агрессивной форме, используя "капс лук" и повторения фраз по 3 раза,сообщила о том, что: "на письма она отвечала, отвечала, отвечала, оставьте её в покое и заказывать у неё тоже ничего больше не надо". А мы то собирались...смешно. Я несколько раз переспросила сестру, точно ли дама не из выходцев с пост-советского пространства, больно уже её поведение не вяжется с образом бизнес-леди из самой "свободной и демократической страны".
На данный момент(прошло 3,5 месяца) ни денег, ни куклы сестра не получила. На письма мастерица отвечала, что посылка отправлена, но она потеряла номер слежения. Спустя несколько дней, написала, что номера слежения нет, посылка обычная,а у неё нет времени ходить на почту выяснять куда она пропала и снова категоричные требования оставить её в покое. Оставили бы, денег и потраченных нервов как то жалко.
Не далее, как вчера, я обнаружила
сообщение в жж товарища по несчастью. Американскую заказчицу той же мастерицы с абсолютно идентичным сюжетом.
Подробно история сделки
описана сестрой на российском кукольном форуме. Ниже я привожу её повествование на английском. Делаю это для того, чтобы информация была доступна в поиске всем, кому она понадобится. А мы будем думать, что делать дальше.
Резюмирую: не надо связываться с Bella! Studios/ CleaBella / Room With A View sets / Christina Bougas.
Рассказ сестры:
I am writing to you in order to warn you about Christina Bougas “Bogie”. I thought I would write to you so that nobody else would make such a terrible mistake that I made.
June 14th & 15th: Ordered
Clea Bella Devon doll and paid via my dealer and friend Ruslan. "Please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery." So there would be no way I could get my money back, because according to PayPal we can open a dispute within 45 days. I was stupid and decided to risk.
July 8th: Ruslan asked, if the doll happened to be ready.
July 9th: Ruslan got email from Bougas, saying that it would be done in another 6-8 weeks' time, because she was finishing up the sweater.
July 15th: Ruslan got email from Christina Bougas, saying that she was finishing up the sweater then they will be ready to ship.
July 27th: Ruslan asked, if the doll was finished then. (I make most of the outfits for my dolls myself, it takes maximum 2 evenings to make a sweater for a 16” doll)
July 28th: Ruslan got email from Christina, saying that she was currently finishing the sweater and hair (!)
August 12th & August 16th: Ruslan asked if there was any news.
August 20th: Ruslan got email from Bogie, saying that she was finishing the sweater that week. Because we ordered a vinyl doll it would be shipped very soon, about 10-14 days.
So at this point I realized that she was probably making not one doll for me, but all 40 dolls. Probably the release was delayed, I don’t know. On the Devon info page it was written, that doll would be shipped in March. So for me it was kind of a surprise to find out, that a doll for me has to be made, but at that time I thought, that she probably makes a doll, when it’s ordered. Guess that was wrong.
August 26th: Ruslan wrote me that Bougas ignored his emails. Then I wrote her a mega polite email myself that wasn’t ever answered.
September 1st: Ruslan got an information email sent to everybody who was signed for the news. According to it Bogie would begin delivering the Vinyl doll on September the 2nd. Delivery would continue through the next two weeks.
September 10th: Ruslan wrote me that Christina was ignoring his emails and there was still no concrete information about shipping of my doll. So I wrote myself again a mega polite email. The next day I received a hardcore reply written with caps lock on asking not to order from her ever again. Honestly I didn’t expect such a reply from an American businesswoman and all that for my money.
September 11th: While I was in shock Ruslan and I received another “friendly” email, saying that she couldn’t ship the doll to me because we were way too suspicious.
September 11th: Ruslan calmed Christina down and she promised to send the doll in the evening.
September 12th & September 16th: Ruslan asked about the tracking number.
September 17th: Ruslan got email from Bogie, saying that the number was sent when she processed the shipping label through the post office website. She didn't print out a copy, but she was going to figure out, how to get the number.
September 24th: Ruslan got email from Bogie, saying that she was sorry, but she couldn’t find the number.
September 26th: Ruslan asked Christina to call the USPS and ask for the tracking number, because I went to the post office and there was no parcel on my name, though it takes maximum 2 weeks for the packages from the USA to arrive by me.
September 27th: Ruslan got email from Bogie, saying that until is 30 days late we should stop harassing her that the package was sent and she wrote to ME (!) that there was no tracking number and that I (!) have to call USPS myself, because she was too busy to go to the post office and waste her time there. Should I add that there is no email from her in my mailbox, not even in spam?
October 7th: finally I received the doll.
All is well that ends well, I am very glad that my doll arrived, but still I will never ever do business with Christina Bougas/Bella Studios again. The whole process was much too stressful and tortuous, beginning with her impolite style of writing using caps lock ending with non-finite lies so that you had no idea what was really going on there. In my opinion doll collecting should be fun! And ordering from Bogie was not fun at all. By the way the doll has a big defect, she has two different thighs, like from two different dolls or parties; one hip is thicker and rounder than another, that’s why it looks like the doll is disabled. When she is in her clothes it is not noticeable, but when undressed it looks pretty bad. In this case the best thing would be to contact Bogie and ask her to fix the thighs, so that they would look the same. But when I had thought about how much time it was going to take and how stressful it was going to be again, I had decided to pass. Let it be…