i rule. (just this once. all other times i suck.)

Jul 08, 2005 02:07

Oh. Wow.
I'm fucking drawing again! I never thought I'd be able to draw again. Like, Eric (accidentally..?) crushed most of my artistic spirits about hmm..6, 7 years ago and I quit drawing. Just stopped, couldn't pick a pen or pencil up. I'm totally afraid of failure (believe it or not) and rejection. And I was sure that anything I'd draw would be total shit. I used to draw alot. I can't say if it was any good or not because that was a long time ago and I honestly don't remember and I also wouldn't kiss my own ass. But I wasn't too bad, I will say that.

Right now I'm drawing some graffiti which, for some reason, I was convinced I couldn't do. Apparently I can and I'm having alot of fun with it. Some of them are so-so, but I wish I could scan a couple of the better pieces because I really do like them alot. I hope to throw them up sometime soon. And even more, I hope to continue drawing. When I do throw them up, I'll try to take some pictures (given I paint them decently).
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