So far, so good. First day of school will not kill me. In fact, it's going much better than last semester's first day did. After all, I knew exactly where the OSH building was, instead of being forced to search all over campus for foreign buildings. As well, there will be no walking home for me! Remember last semester, when I walked home instead of using the shuttle because I was scared stiff of the whole concept? Yeah, that was brilliant, yes. I'm soooo glad I'm not doing that again. XD
I have male teachers so far in my English classes. This is pleasing. I prefer male English professors for whatever reason. Not quite sure why yet. But I'm certainly not going to complain. I have an hour and twenty minute wait until my next class (yick), but I'm excited for it. It's Creative Writing and all that, so I don't think I'd mind a female teacher in there--I got used to female CW teachers thanks to Beck (who I miss dearly.)
This semester looks promising. I may not die. This is fabulous.
In other news: I think I saw Pocky on TV the other day. Very strange... Animal Shelter news clip, ya know? And they spotlighted a cat named Fuego that looked exactly like Pocky, had the same blue eyes and the same personality. Oh, and he was the right age to match Pocky. Well, if it was him, I pray he ends up in good hands. I miss him, but I'm happy just thinking he's probably alive.
Riley is almost done with Twilight Princess. That's exciting, I suppose. I'm still working on Okami. I'm also reading Outbound Flight at the moment--Timothy Zahn really is a brilliant Star Wars novelist, imo. He keeps me interested. And Thrawn is a very curious sort of character. I think I like him. Hm.
Other than thaaaaaat.... TABLET. AHAHAH. I LOVE.
Okay, so they're nothing brilliant. But they are just me messing around in an effort to get used to photoshop again and get a feel for the tablet. I'm pleased. I'm liking how things are turning out so far, and I'm working on getting more detail into my work.
Give me a few months, I'll try and be brilliant. ;)
All of my characters are represented in my head by animals. As my husband so aptly put it, "See, you think of your characters in terms of animals. I think of mine in terms of historical figures." Ah, what different and amusing people we are. XD Anyways, Gale A'Krevan, Jedi Knight, is represented by a fox. Yaaay. I like how this one came out sketchy. It was my first go with the tablet and photoshop, so I'm proud of how it turned out in the end. No worries.
I'm always making new pictures for Faolan. Photoshop makes this much easier. This is my first try with this on photoshop. Not my best and I'm not exactly satisfied, but improvements will come in time.
I wanted to draw a wolf with my new tablet. So I drew some fanart for Calen--a young wolf pup (about nine months) on the Taiyae boards. Faolan is fond of him, so so am I. Not my best--I owe Toadskies something better, later. XD!!