((As a note: I wanted to write this post SO BADLY when I found out about the situation on Saturday. But sadly, I didn't have the time all weekend to rant properly. The two I will be ranting to here (because there is every chance they WILL read this) will be refered to as Admin and Co-admin.
Be glad I had the weekend to 'cool down.' I'm still as pissed as ever, but at least this Mormon girl isn't as tempted to lower herself to swearing up a storm anymore. ^^))
Hey there, Admin.
First of all, I'd like to make it clear that I don't hate you. No, I'm just really really ticked off to the point where you've unleashed the Kossie-monster.
See, the RP you were running had a great premise. I was excited about it, and got a bunch of people to join. You gave me an apprentice and we were off to a great start, right? But then, activity started to die off--mainly because you and Co-admin were as slow as all heck trying to get replies out to us. People lost interest pretty fast--I'm sure it didn't help that you weren't exactly the most sociable mods on the boards.
But yeah, I'm a patient girl. I wasn't about to have a conniption because you were a little slow. Sure, it was annoying, but we lived. But one by one, your players started to leave, and activity died down to a crawl.
Mind, you did lose access to your computer. We were alright with that, told you to take your time and come back when you could. Admittedly, it would have been at least SOMEWHAT nice if you could pop in on another computer every once in a while and let us know what was up, but I guess we can't really require that of you.
Of course, then I started seeing you back on MSN after a while. And I thought 'hey, Admin's back! We should see some action pretty soon here." But day after day went by, and NOTHING. You had promised another player (one of three that was currently active) that you would involve her in my character's plot since her apprentice quit. When did you promise her this? In OCTOBER!? Dear, you had a computer back then. Why did it never happen? It's not like you're not online enough. And you're a smart boy--why neglect your loyal players so much?
After all, me and this aforementioned player easily have the most posts on the boars. While waiting for you, we decided to jump back nine years and figure out how well our characters knew each other. We had 215 posts, in fact, just between the two of us. We had an -excellent- thread going. We were active on your boards, with well over a hundred posts each while you had barely thirty, yourself.
And you know what I find when I get on on Friday to see if she's replied? YOU'D CLOSED THE SITE.
I don't know if it was you or Co-admin who did it, or if you collaberated on the thought, but please know that I am PISSED off about this. My fellow player is, too. Why? WE HAD NO WARNING. No time to log our posts. No time to decide if we wanted to continue elsewhere. You could have at least had the DECENCY to give us at least a day's warning. You have both my IM names. You could have PMed, emailed or SOMETHING before just abruptly closing the site and taking my favorite thread with it. There was no rush to get the site closed, really.
Suuuure, Co-admin gave me a faint hint that it might happen a few weeks ago. "That said we could be saying goodbye to Lineage for a short time while we lick our wounds and think of another way..." But like said, that was a few weeks ago, and so iffy that who knew what could be going on? After all, I have little reason to take Co-admin seriously. We've had problems with him in the past. Heck, you fired him once because he was such a pissant. Of course, you did bring him back (which I personally think was a mistake, but whatever) but that doesn't mean I'm going to pay attention to him. Especially since he had just said that you should be coming back soon, so things were looking up.
I would have liked some official warning. The site wasn't quite as dead as you seem to think. Fellow-player and I were very actively involved there, and no, we're both not happy to say the least.
And you wanna know something that pissed me off? Co-admin needs to get some help. Here's something he said to me in the same conversation as the one quoted above: "Yepo well if there is a [name of game removed] round two it will be done differently - though personally the problem is the sheer number of players out there that are for all attempts and purposes crap..."
What? Did you just blame your PLAYERS for the failure? I couldn't think of anything to say to you at the time on the matter, since I didn't want to piss you off but now that you've done just that to me, I feel content in saying this: WTH DUDE?! Don't you DARE say that. DON'T YOU DARE. You had excellent players at your game. HECK. Most of them left your game and found their way to MINE. And I'm proud to have them. They are awesomely amazing and I would never dream of having the audacity to blame them for how much your game died.
The reason your game fell to pieces is because YOU suck. Yes, YOU Co-admin. No one left solely because of Admin. But YOU piss people off with your very presence. You're NOT as good at this RPing thing as you think you are. And even when you were running my storyline, respones were sub-par and hard to come by.
I'm sorry, dears, but you failed. You failed BIG time. And I'm rather nice. I let things slide. But closing the place without warning me was the last straw. I'm sorry, but it has to be said. I had just about been to ask you if we could get the other player into my thread. I was going to be nice but annoyed about it. I was going to help you get at least one main-storyline thread going again. And what do I get instead? A closed site without a word. Thanks. *huff*
x-posted to