I just want to say that I have some really awesome friends. You know who you are. :D
[Name] Kosmos. Though, to be honest, there are RP friends who have started calling me Sierra due to certain circumstance. *stares at Emilio and Silver* Silver abuses my real name. XD
[Sex] Female.
[School] University of Utah. Stupid football.
[Sign] Cancer.
[State] Utah...
[Exact Location] Laying on the loveseat in the front room of my one-room married student housing apartment. xP
[Current Date] 10/6/06.
[Current Time] 9:36 AM.
[Clothes] Pink plaid pajama pants. White spaghetti-strap tank. ...glasses and wedding ring? XD
[Weather] Cloudy... I think. I haven't looked outside yet, and I'm too lazy to get up. Put it... feels like it's cloudy outside. Not sure if it's raining again yet.
[Hair Do] I woke up and brushed it. That's about it.
[Footwear] I'm barefoot every chance I get. I'm inside. Now's my chance.
[Mood] Mellow, a little tired. But feeling good.
[Talking To] No one. No one even on MSN or AIM, either.
[Sounds] The ever-so-aggravating sound of our thermostat hissing. And the faint sounds of cars outside.
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y]
[Cups On Desk] I'm not at the desk... and there are no cups...
[Pets] None. :( But my sister (who I do not live with!) has an awesome little kitty named Seadog. :D
[Siblings] Three younger sisters. I miss 'em. Oh! And if you wanna count my sibling's in law, I have an older sister and three younger brothers... And another older brother if we want to count Dave.
[Crushes] I've never been much of one for crushes. They're all just emotional, anyways. At the moment, I'm happily 'crushing' on my husband. :P
[Cousins] Waaaaaay too many. Like, 70+, I think. Brookie, Kortney, and Emily and Jacob are certainly my favorites. :D
[Aunts] A lot? My mom had five sisters and six brothers. D: Family gets a little crazy around here. Especially if I start counting Riley's extended family. Amy's my favorite, though!
[Uncles] See [Aunts]. And put Rick down as my favorite.
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y] [t][i][m][e][s] [p][e][r] [d][a][y] [d][o] [y][o][u]
[Change Clothes] Like... once? I don't know. I wear my pajamas and my clothes for the day...
[Shower] Maybe once. Maybe not at all. I hate having to dry my hair, and I don't like how I look the day I shower.
[Brush Your Teeth] Once, maybe twice. Depends on if I remember.
[Wash Your Face] Once, if I'm lucky.
[Brush Your Hair] As often as I feel it's necessary.
[Eat] Twice? Lunch (most of the time) and dinner. And I guess a snack in the evenings.
[Say the Word "ok"] Quite often, I'm sure.
[Yell at Your Siblings] I don't really yell at my siblings. And I don't really see them much anymore anyways.
[Slam Doors] Doesn't happen.
[Nicest] Uhm... Andy, to be honest. O.o; He's insane-nice. xP
[Coldest] Uhm... I don't deal too well with cold people. I guess I can count Kim as a friend. :D
[Smartest] Riley. Seriously, you don't know the things this man can come up with...
[Tallest] Misha? I don't know. Is she taller than Andy? XD
[Shortest] Uh... Charlie? O_o; *has no clue; doesn't pay much attention to height*
[Most Fashionable] Charlie, probably.
[Smells Best] Charlie. I miss the Charlie smell.
[Weirdest Conversations] Emilio, probably. XD
[Deepest Conversations] Misha. Charlie.
[Stupidest Conversations] Leah! lol... uhm... *hugs*
[Best Liar] Riley. XD
[Hottest] Charlie! Duh!... and Riley. x3; Gotta have my husband in there, ya know?
[Most Annoying] Leah... *grins and hugs her sister* Then Charlie.
[Best] I don't know. It's hard to say nowadays. I'm close to a lot of people and they're all pretty darn good to me.
[Most Organized] Misha.
[Least Organized] Charlie?
[Always Late] Andy! lol. (mostly) And Riley, probably. I don't know. XD
[Always Early] No one?
[Always On Time] People?
[h][a][b][i][t][s] [(do you)]
[Procrastinate] I'm a professional at procrastinating. I even put my procrastinating off until tomorrow!
[Stress] I'm pretty good with stress. I'm not prone to it.
[Take out Your Issues On Others] Not really. I keep my issues to myself.
[Self Injure- (ex: cut, burn, pull hair)] Thankfully, no.
[Flirt Too Much] I don't even flirt with my husband. WTH are you on? xP
[Have an Eating Disorder] Nope, thank goodness. I'm frickin' tiny enough as it is.
[Tend to Judge People] There's no room to judge in this world. I'm a rather open person, I like to think.
[Any Other Habits?] Plenty.
[for a million bucks ] [(would you)]
[Name Your Kid Dammit] O.o No.
[Strip For Your Classmates] No, ew.
[Shave Your head] Eh... mmmmaybe...
[Wax Off Your Eyebrows] I guess.
[Wax an old man's back] Yeah. Better than spongue bathing him or something. (did I spell that right? *too lazy to check*)
[Sit In a Cage With 4 Hungry Wolves] Yes. :D And I would bring them steaks.
[Eat A Snake] Depends on the circumstance of eating said snake. o.o
[Make Out With One of Your Best Friends' Boyfriend] Nopes.
[Swim With The Jelly Fish] I guess...? Provided precautions were taken.
[Make Out With Your Teacher] No. XD
[Strip At a School Pep Assembly] No stripping!!
[Stand up In Class And Flip Your Teacher The Bird] ...no...
[a][l][m][o][s][t] [o][v][e][r]
[Why Did You Take This Survey] Bored. I have the time. Just kinda using it to wake up for the day.
[What's The Time Now] 9:55 aM.
[What Are You Doing After This] Moving on to check my RPs at Gaia and such.
[Bye!] Mmhmm... bye bye. *salute*