You Are Olive Green
You are the most real of all the green shades. You're always true to yourself.
For you, authenticity and honesty are very important... both in others and yourself.
You are grounded and secure. It takes a lot to shake you.
People see you as dependable, probably the most dependable person they know.
What Color Green Are You? What an ugly color... O.o; But the description makes sense... I guess. o_O
Okay, so I feel silly not updating. It's insane how I go throug phases of this. o.o
I joined a new Star Wars RP. XD Located here: So far I loooove how the Force and Skill systems are set up, and we have a pair of really good admin and no mary-sues to worry over. It's organized, but there's room for ample creativity. I'm certainly happy with it. I'm not playing Gale there, either! Instead I'm playing a rather stoic Jedi by the name of Sark Kele. o.o I like him so far. His arrogance amuses me endlessly.
I need to post again for Gale on JT. I have half a post written up, but I'm not sure how well I like it anymore... Too much internal monologue, even for my tastes. I might just cut that out and move ont the 'bunkmate' like I planned to. Hmph. >>;
But yeah. Life is well enough. Had two exams today. Went well, I think... Mind, I -actually- studied, miracle of miracles, so we'll see how well I did.
I'm pretty much out of anything intellengent to say. I'll catch you guys later.