
Sep 23, 2020 12:45

In Aruba been on board M/V Grand Princess in 2011-2012, then on board M/V Emerald Princess in 2012-13 during 2 contracts. And then again visited island on board M/V Royal Princess in the season of 2014-2015.

It is one of the ABC islands which lies just 15 miles (24 km) off he coast of Venezuela. In a clear day it was possible to see the rock of Venezuela from the top of the ship. Aruba became separate from Netherlands Antilles in 1986, Jan 1. Kingdom of the Netherlands responsible for defense and foreign affairs while the government performs autonomously.

They have their own money, which is Aruban Florin, and rate is 1 $ = approx. 1.8 Aruban Florin. The population of the island is around 107.000 people, area 181 sq km (70 sq mi.) Capital Oranjestad.

Island has very dry climate with very little inches of rain and kind of desert landscape with many miles of pristine white sand beaches.

Area marked by surreal, wind-bent divi-divi trees, cactuses and aloe-vera.
Island is very developed; there is no poverty like on other Caribbean islands, it is very popular tourist destination. People are friendly. Aruba's population is estimated to be 80% mestizo and 20% other ethnicities. They speak most of them 4 languages - English, Dutch, Spanish and Papiamento (the native languages of the three ABC islands).

Their logo is ''Bon Bini'' (''Welcome") and anthem is ''The greatness of our people is a great cordiality".

The capital Oranjestad where the ship docks have 2 terminals, it has nice Dutch architecture, many shops, casino and clubs. Queen Beatrix International Airport located near the city and from the top of the ship used to watch the landing and taking off the planes.

For me this island is one of the best for the beaches, safety and prices in the Caribbean. Here often I used to go on a beach.

Most of them Palm Beach with a lots of resorts there and lots of activities. The water is so blue and warm there, also some beaches in a walking distance from the terminal.

Also made trip by bus to the south-east of the island to the village of San Nicholas.
In 2015 visited that village again. Saw some nice graffiti on a car park.

And in April 2015 took a tour around the island. First had a tour on semi-submarine of the shipwreck ''Antilla'', German freighter that was sunk off the coast of Aruba during WWII.

That was quite an experience for me. For the first time saw some shipwrecks under the water.

Then we came back to the Palm Pier and went by bus to the California Lighthouse, with some views of Aruba coast.

Then we went to Aruba's rugged north coast, to view breathtaking Baby Natural Bridge, carved by the surf from solid coral and limestone.

Then we stopped at the Casibari rock formations to view amazing landscape, formed by diorite boulders the size of small houses.

It was a nice tour with many places visited.
I can say literally that I've been all over the island, at all the parts. It is how they say one happy island with friendly people and nice dry climate.

May 2015


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