Good afternoon. It has been ages since I've put anything up here. I'm trying to get back to posting, and not simply being a lurker.
First, we are getting back to normal, my parents came for a nine day visit in September, and then went on a cruise to Ireland, Denmark, England, and the Azores, before cruising back to the US. We watched their camper and their cat, Tonks. It is very nice to have the place to ourselves again. Having to rush home, after training all day, take care of the puppy ( JoAnna Beth - Jo for short ), getting cleaned up, then having to make dinner as the parental ones were ready for it. After, cleaning up and entertaining. It's been a long month.
Yesterday, we did trek out with some friends, to the Octoberfest, and then dinner at Bubba's. I ate far too much, and possibly drank to much. Lots of beer to be had.
We lost or Sam in August, and it's been very difficult. He was with us 14.5 years. A friend's wife found an imaciated puppy out in the country while working; poor thing near death. With their determination and the determination of the vet, said puppy now lives with us. JoAnna Beth - Jo for short, is quite the energetic young thing. And she has discovered the bathroom tissue. It now resides in the drawer.
Crate training has gone well, at least for when we're at work.
I'm making some finishing touches on a drabble for
hp_halloween, it seems to be the only time of year I write. I hope it is not horrible. LOL
Happy Sunday everyone.