Uh, Oops?

Apr 16, 2009 17:21

Ever since I made the shortgown I've started thinking about the bizarre caraco in the V&A again. I've toyed with the idea of making it just to figure it out for quite some time now. And for some reason, I've thought about it a lot today. Maybe because just the other day I realized that I have fabric for all the upcoming projects I have except maybe a few lining or similar things and that made me sad. I even found fabric that I'd love for the caraco today.* Not the point though.

The point is, I'm even more convinced now than I was when first thinking about it that this really is for all practical purposes a shortgown. Only fashionable and cut differently and stuff. So a few minutes ago I put the shortgown on (not over my stays or anything) just do do a little poking and pulling to see if I still liked my theory. Which I do.

But when I was putting the shortgown on, I heard a horrible noise. I looked down, and a thread had popped. And unsewn a few inches. The pleat in the front! It ripped! I've never had anything remotely like this happen before--I blame a weak spot in the thread :)

Fortunately it's very easy to fix. The pleats were sewn through all layers from the front with a spaced backstitch. So I think I know what my first sewing tonight will be. And we'll also see if I can resist the fabric I want.**

That was just very strange though. I've been pulling the shortgown to make sure no other thread decides to break. A bad thing, really, but it does show how genius 18th century construction is at the same time. Not a bad thing to demonstrate, I suppose!

*Let's forget that my two gorgeous Parisian prints are sitting in storage. I think the cut in one shoulder would get lost in them though, so I don't want to use them for it. Also, both have projects planned for them. And I'd have too much fabric as well, and that seems sort of wasteful!

**Uh-oh. I made a tag for the caraco. *Not* a good sign...

18c shortgown, caraco

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