New Knitting Book!

Apr 22, 2021 20:26

Volume 41 of the Bear Brand Bucilla Blue Book from 1922 is available as a digital book, but I found an original on and bought it. I'm assuming it'll have a needle gauge like my 1921 one does, and I'm excited to see that. Also, if I make a sweater, it's my pattern and I can do a complete write up of it. And I probably will, because although I have things I want to sew, all I actually want to do is knit...

Hybrid teaching is super exhausting because of so much down time. Odd complaint about work. But all day I wanted to knit, I'm so close to done--four rows, fringe, and binding off on one cuff, and the second cuff left. Then sewing, and a sash, and I do want those underthings...

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knitting in general, 1920s knit fringed dress

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