Jul 10, 2013 17:55
So I've been thinking a bit about what to wear, and a backup plan as well. More on the backup plan later.
Thursday day (pre CC sightseeing) Grumpy Cat dress.
Thursday night--50s faire dress (this will take about 3 minutes to change into--I want to be more "dressed up" than the GC dress)
Friday day--Green and pink wool 1814 dress with the embroidered petticoat that sticks out
Friday night--Choice one: as of yet unmade dress (see below why there's a good chance this won't get made. sigh). Choice 2: day version of the fuschia dress. Choice 3: Evening spencer that pairs with above petticoat.
Saturday day--Choice one: brown pierrot jacket that I barely wore in Williamsburg. Choice two (this would be if I go with choice 3 the night before): Lily Pad Lanvin that I wore to the Huntington last year. Choice 3: Evening spencer
Saturday night--beaded 1920s (once again, making a 20s I'm thinking oh no! so much less elaborate than anything else anyone is making! then I remember how much I like wearing 20s, and never feel like that while wearing it, plus, well, beads!)
Sunday day--plaid 1820s
Sunday evening--1946 bathing costume (yet to be made, but so simple!)
And why the seconds? Coughing.
And now for the PSA.
Get a whooping cough booster. Seriously. Get one.
Remember how I said two weeks ago I tested positive for strep, but had no symptoms? Well, while I'm generally against internet diagnosis, I'm about 95% positive I have whooping cough. I have every single symptom, from the very mild symptoms at start, to the exact sound when you cough, to the other things I won't even mention as they're vile. I haven't been back to the doctor, but as my doctor closed (!!!) and I'd just have had to go back to a clinic and am slowly but surely getting a tiny bit better each day (except yesterday, but I blame bad winds with wildfires for that), I haven't been officially diagnosed. While I'm no longer contagious (and if I were, I'd do the right thing and sacrifice Costume College for all of you), there's a pretty good chance I'll still have the utterly awful violent coughing fits.
And I'm not going to have one of those coughing fits in stays or a corset. My 1820s stays are fine--they have a dart up the middle instead of a busk and two rows of cording on each side of the back, and a little decorative cording on front. But my 1860s corset and 1780s? Um, no, not at all. I'd seriously worry about cracking a rib in one of those. Not to mention the whole 1869 dress closing around the neck thing. So it all depends on how much I'm coughing in three weeks. Hopefully not much :)
And with that, I'm off to make some veggie matzo ball soup...
costume college,