I should easily finish the gala dress tonight.
However, I need muslin for my next three projects--the plaid 1820s dress, the 1940s bathing suit, and the
Grumpy Cat sundress. There's another dress that although I'm excited about, I might put off. We'll see how those projects go.
I also need a zipper and some buttons and something else I know is slipping my mind.
This isn't a huge issue normally, but I've been sick* for a week now and going to get it has just not been a pleasing prospect. Very annoying, as I wanted to go Monday when it was just about 90 and overcast. It should get up to 118 this weekend. Ugh on a stick.
Anyway, what does this mean? Either I continue the miser's purse, which I've sadly had to set aside, or start the 20s beaded bag, or have nothing to do. Guess which one it'll be? As much as I hate to set the miser's purse aside, it doesn't go with anything for Costume College, I can't do nothing, even when I feel awful, so beaded bag it is! No idea if it'll be ready for Costume College, in fact, I pretty much doubt it, but it's getting started anyway.
I also don't know what to wear to Costume College this year. As it stands, the new dresses are the gala dress, the 1820s dress, and the 40s bathing suit. Possibly a new dress for the ice cream social. And the Grumpy Cat sundress for the Thursday before. I'm thinking maybe the amazingly not eaten green wool Regency with the petticoat that sticks out below and the evening spencer that I made for the Jane Austen evening a while ago. Maybe Friday, especially if the ice cream social dress doesn't work out? Then maybe one of the Williamsburg dresses (ugh, heavy underwear) on Saturday? I should make a decision soon!
And it still makes me sad that I've barely worn the day version of the fuchsia 1869 dress. I know, no hoops to classes, but uuuuhhh. I want to wear it...
Then there's Thursday night. Continue sundress? 40s bathing suit? Something else? I don't want it to be too complicated, maybe the pink and gold 20s? 60s tennis? Purple 1950s faire dress? Huge francaise? Decisions...
*Sick as in two days of a runny nose that turned into a horrid cough for three days that made me feel like someone punched me in the throat that made me go to the doctor to find out I apparently have strep even though I don't have strep symptoms but rather the if you have these symptoms it's probably not strep symptoms, so I think what happened is I had a cold which gave me sort of early warning sign that I had strep since the symptoms bugged me before they got bad and long story short, yay! antibiotics!