Nov 20, 2004 00:59
Tonight was really fun. I can't talk about it in detail here..but whateva' yo. It was fun, but Keely and Missy didn't seem to think so. Keely actually was ready to kill the entertainment of the night, and i was all "aw no don't" and she's all "why not" and yeah. It was fun in my humble little opinion but whateva whateva. Oh and Keely gave me one of my birthday gifts early, like as a teaser or something =). She gave me the No Doubt B side CD. it's basically like the songs that were unreleased or re-mixed or something. So basically all the songs that weren't on their albums. It's really cool, I knew half the songs 'cuz I downloaded them yo, but the other half were completely new to my little mind. Haha Josh just called me a dirty slut cumwhore-egg hahahahahaha. So entirely true guys. So true. I'm for serious here.
Anyways uhh what else. Oh, Keely got mad at me yesterday and today or something. I don't really even fully understand the situation myself, but we're good now or so I think.
Umm Ms. Polentas is so annoying. She's such a bad actress and all she does is say how we're not good enough of actors, or we know nothing about theatre. SHE'S MAKING SHAKESPEARE MODERN. Not even in a modern setting, but shes changing the dialogue at parts into modern things. That's fucking bastardizing his work. I don't enjoy his plays..his writing style was sometimes hard to follow, but that's old english for you. =/ But point being, you don't take a legendary playwrit's material, change it into modern day english, and change the character's backgrounds to fit modern day society. It's totally bastardizing his work and blasphemous to the Shakespeare gods. It sucks and she thinks she's so experienced and how I don't have respect for Shakespeare when she's the one dissecting and changing his work. I can't get over it. Like I can't handle her way of life.