gacked from... er... ensetsu, I think

Jan 17, 2006 14:20

But I only did 30 questions. ^_^

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1) What comic book character would kylandra be? Clex. What? It does *too* count!
2) What would linksqueen think of caithion? No idea, but if it involves tiger-like cries then I'm outta here.
3) What animal should hasunoutena be combined with? I desperately want to be mean here and make some sort of CLAMP-type animal, but I can't think of what. Sigh.
4) One quality you find attractive in ryutsuki? I think she might be slightly insane. I like that in a person. XD
5) When did you last call scheherezhad? Call? Like, on the phone? When was the last time I called *anyone* on the phone?
6) Is morgan_d related to linksqueen? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAno.
7) What is pottersues's favorite food? Badfic authors, or possibly lesbians. Either way.
8) What color should elsewherecw dye their hair? Purple. Light purple. No, I don't know why, either.
9) If bemysty took over the world, who would be happy? Well, I was going to say medoroa, but I don't know if that's precisely true, actually.
10) Do you have a crush on snarkyllama? No, just a mild voyeurism thing.
11) What exotic animal would qorromi like as a pet? More cats. Er... exotic cats.
12) What is arishia_chan's favorite game? I could cheat and look in her LJ sidebar 'cause I know it's there, but I'm just going with the easy answer and saying anything where the men are hot and would look even hotter together. Also, Kingdom Hearts, which is mentioned separately due to the Disney influence and its possible negation of hot men as one's first thought. Which is sad, but there you go. *weeps*
13) Are scheherezhad and ukefied going steady? Not that I'm aware?
14) What is scheherezhad's favorite band/artist? I have absolutely no idea, thus I go with my fallback again and say something with hot men in it.
15) What would ukefied do differently in your shoes? I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate me. Lots of things, though, I'm sure.
16) Is arishia_chan friends with snarkyllama? Only in that way where all of humanity can be said to be friends, so no.
17) How many monkeys could loobywibble fight at once and win against? Exactly 3.5 metric fucktons. Bitch can kick *ass*, man, no two ways about it.
18) What would you do if you found out kylandra has a crush on you? Demand boobie pics. Mmm... boobies...
19) Do tallihensia and fyredancer go to the same school? No, but wouldn't it be rockin' awesome if they did? I suddenly want to write some sort of bizarre high school AU involving all the old-school YYH fic writers from back in the day now.
20) linksqueen's hair color? I can't remember, and I refuse to read that fic again to find out.
21) If flamika and lisa_s were siamese twins, where would they be joined? Huh huh. Huh huh huh. *laughs like Beavis some more*
22) Do you have medoroa's screenname? Yes. Why?
23) What languages does hyatt_ayanami speak? At least two fluently, but possibly more.
24) If fyredancer were hanging off a cliff, what would nemkess do? Well, given that they're about a state away from each other, she probably wouldn't be able to do a whole lot.
25) Is peach_ponta single? Yes. I think. Er...
26) Does snarkyllama go to your school? What is this obsession with schools? No. And not even my Old School YYH Writer's AU Badfic High School, either. (And that's badfic like I would write, BTW, not what they wrote. Ain't no badfic authors in *my* high school AU, baby!)
27) Is pottersues 1337? Yes. Very.
28) Where would arishia_chan most like to visit? Home, probably.
29) What flavor of jello would lntora be? Lime.
30) If qorromi and qorromi were spliced together, what would be its name? The answer is obvious -- qorromi 2: Electric Boogaloo. Duh.

embracing my inner lemming-ness

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