Mar 15, 2006 00:12
*long entry expressing how I feel about everything and all that jazz* (haha Ms. Wright :) )
So, in conclusion, I just want everyone to be happy and nice to each other, kill me for all I care if it’ll result in that.
Oh and, always put me last. If your friend isn’t doing well and neither am I, go to your friend first. Because I know how to make myself okay, or at least numb myself. And I won’t mind- chances are your friend will, and… well just put me last haha
In other news, I feel like Sleeping Beauty (well, not really since I don’t feel *beautiful*, which would kind of be necessary to be like “Sleeping Beauty”) but a) I’m reaaallllyyyy tired haha and b) I cut my index finger today while doing HD, so it’s like her pricking her finger on the spin needle thing… too bad my kingdom and I didn’t fall asleep… of course it wouldn’t really effect me if all of England fell asleep… but okay hehe
Oh and in the other other news, “Going Down in Flames” had been stuck in my head all day [thanks to Elika :P] …the end.
I miss the livejournaling days, I'm going to start posting more here : )
what are tagggsss???