Nov 13, 2005 17:44
Last night on my way home from work I called my dad, and found out that my mom was very ill. I went over there to discover that she has lost all motor control, particularly on her right side, was very lethargic,a nd had a temp of 103.7. I chewed both of them out for not taking her to the hospital, and told them she was going. It turns out that mom lost all control (including bladder and bowel once) around 10 am. So I cleaned her up, got her dressed, and called 911. When they showed up her temp was down to 102.4, but her pulse was 149, and her bp was 168/100. Normally my mom was both a low pulse and a low bp.
So they loaded her up and took her to The University of Washington Medical Center. On the way there she got worse, she only responded to painfull stimuli, and her temp started going back up. They did a CT scan, and a chest xray immediately, along with 2 I.V's and a catheter. Somewhere around 3 am they had ruled out stroke, UTI, pneumonia, and appearent infection. Though they had started her on 3 antibiotics just in case. By this time she was starting to come around more, but they still had to rule out Meningitis, so they did a lumbar puncture. By 4 am her temp, pulse, and bp were normal, but they still didn't know what had happened. At 5 we were seen by a neurologist, who decided to admit her. His belief is that the high fever cause all of her old MS 'scars' to become temporarily active, causing the lost of motor control.
She was admited to neuro at 7 this morning, though they still don't know what caused the triggering infection. Just in case it was viral menigitis, they started her on antiviral therapy.
My dad left at 4 am to nurse his thrown out back, from taking mom to the bathroom all day while she was limp. When Garrick picked me up at 11, mom had just been seen by 2 more neurologists, who agreed about the MS attack, but are still at a loss for what caused the infection. Dad updated us at 5 tonite, no more news.
If you can keep my mom in your thoughts, I would appreciate it.