(no subject)

Jul 21, 2005 02:38


1. When John F. Kennedy was shot (11/22/1963)
My parents hadn't even met yet

2. When Mt.St. Helens blew (5/18/1980)
I was only 1 month an 3 days old

3. When the space shuttle Challenger exploded (1/28/1986)
I watched it with my dad. I remember a teacher that I later had, was supposed to have been on it, but backed out during some point of training.

4. When the 7.1 earthquake hit San Francisco (10/7/1989)
Calling family, one of my cousins was on the overpass when it collapsed.

5. When the Berlin Wall fell (11/7/1989)
I don't really remember this.

6. When the Gulf War began (1/16/1991)
I remeber watching it at school.

7. When the first World Trade Center bombing happened (2/26/1993)
I don't really remember this.

8. When OJ sped off in the White Bronco.
School again, I also remember near riots when the verdict was read aloud.

9. When the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed (4/19/1995)
I don't remember exactly where I was, unfortunately.

10. When Princess Di was killed (8/31/1997)
I have no idea.

11. When Bush was first announced President (11/7/2000)
I don't remember, but I do recall getting into a fight with my dad over it.

12. When terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center (9/11/2001)
I was sleeping on Robs sofa, because I was house sitting. Garrick was working graveyard, and called and told me to turn on the news. Almost immediately, the second tower was hit. Garrick got to Robs and we watched the rest of the horror.
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