The new fanfic trend in fandoms

Oct 03, 2010 22:16

Hey all,

I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say below. I found it hard to say what I wanted to and make it clear.

I've noticed a newish trend with some slash fanfic writers that has begun to annoy me. I've mostly noticed it in the Star Trek fandom but I have also started seeing it appear in other fandoms such as Torchwood, Stargate Atlantis, even Supernatural as well as a variety of others.

This trend is where they take one of the male characters that are usually slashed with another male character in the fandom and make them a woman. I'm not talking about being temporarily switched by a curse or tech and then changed back eventually. (Those, while not my favorite, if they are well written, I can actually enjoy. And they usually crack me up because you have a guy who is suddenly experiencing what it's like to be a woman and that can be fun. )

No I'm talking about where they start out right from the beginning with one of the "guys" having always been a woman and then the two fall in love and live happily ever after. This to me just seems silly if not down right counterproductive. They post these stories to the slash lists so I'm assuming these authors read slash. So my question is....WHY?! Why would you as a slasher want to write a het fic with one male character now female? Doesn't that sort of destory the whole purpose of slash??? I read stories about two men falling in love because I enjoy reading stories about two men falling in love. If I want to read a story about a man and woman falling in love I will go read a het fic.

And also if one of the originally male characters is now a woman (from the start) can the story really still be considered slash, should it be posted to a slash community?

Anyways, anybody got an opinion. If you disagree please feel free to do so, just please do it respectfully.

fandoms in general

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