There is no excuse for misgivings.

Jan 21, 2008 22:35

Well, that whole artsy business I mentioned last night... didn't pan out exactly. I need to wait a little bit longer for the urges to tremble my loins. Then, I can put up a new nametag on my door!

I played a bit of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune today, and found it quite pleasing. The shooting elements are a bit tiresome/hard to get into, but the adventure elements are straightforward enough to amuse my simple mind. The graphics are incredible, but I feel like that's not really an aspect of games you can comment on anymore. IF you want to be picky about it, there's several elements of the Uncharted environments that are imperfect, but it's still a beautiful looking game. It combines the movement elements from Ico and SotC with the fighting elements of MGS3, making it really a fun experience. Anyone with a PS3 should probably own this game.

One Piece: Unlimited Adventure comes out tomorrow, and I find myself compelled to spend money I don't have to get it. Damn you, capitalism.

Anyone interested in seeing how nerdy I've become/been may be interested in taking a gander at this link:
It shall reveal to you what series are taking up my tubespace as I try to download them, or the others which are just simply taking up my time. I will post an updated list of my hard drive contents later, so that anyone interested in borrowing some things will know what's available.

If you're near or at Vassar, come over to Noyes 110 and play Guitar Hero 3 with me. Just let me know ahead of time, and I'll have my pants on and everything when you get here.

animu, games

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