Please give this a look over F-list

Jan 03, 2011 23:25


Please pass on to all your girlfriends, wives, nieces, daughters, etc. >Just to be on the safe side. Please be aware and pass it on to anyone
you think this will help.

Sunday afternoon around 5 PM I headed into the Target. It was still light outside and I parked fairly close to the entrance. As I got out of my car and began walking towards Target, an older lady shouted to me from the passenger seat of a car about 30 feet away from me. "Ma'am you must help me, help me please, help me Ma'am!" I looked at her in the eyes and started to walk towards her when I remembered an email my Mom had sent me a week or two ago about rapists and abductions using elderly people to lure women in.

I paused, memorized the license plate and immediately headed into Target to get a manager to come help this lady, just in case something was up. While the woman manager headed out there, I kept a close watch just because I was curious what was wrong with the lady and wanted to be sure nothing happened. As the Target lady walked up towards the car and got very close to the old woman in order to help her, the back door of the car flies open and a large man with a stocking cap on, jumps out and sticks a gun to the lady's stomach as he shoves her into the back of the car.

I yelled out "call 911" several times and just as I was saying that, a policeman who happened to be on the other side of the parking lot and who, luckily had seen the entire thing happen, raced over to the car. He was able to stop the car and arrest the male as well as the old lady, who was involved in the scheme. By God's grace, everyone was all right, including myself, although I think we were both shaken up.

Like many of you, I would not in a million years have left an elderly person who was yelling for help if it weren't for the e-mail I had read last week. So, I wanted to pass this along so you all can be aware and remember that you really can't trust anyone these days. You just never know when something like this could happen. I would have never dreamed it to happen to me especially on a Sunday afternoon at a Target in a safe area!


Here's some of my tips to stay safe:

Stay in a group or in public view whenever you're in a public place.

If a man approaches you or pulls your car over and claims to be a police officer but has no uniform (even if he has one but sounds fishy), request a uniformed officer and a patrol car, its your right. If he refuses, chances are he's not a cop.

If you see a child's car-seat laying on the shoulder of a road, DO NOT STOP! Report it to the police. DO NOT STOP TO LOOK AT IT.

If you're driving and someone throws something at your windshield, DO NOT TURN ON YOUR WIPERS AND DO NOT PULL OVER until you are in a safe area far from where the messy item was thrown!

real life

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