Really awkward day at the movies..

Jul 20, 2010 18:23

So, I'm gonna start this post by saying I decided to play hookie from work today on the grounds that, I got about.... 1 full hour of sleep last night and was a raving bitch this morning. Instead of spending my day sleeping however, a friend of mine decided to cash in her movie chip since she was nice enough to sit through A-Team with me when no one else wanted to go so. In my usual good humor, I decided to spend the day at the movies with her.

What did I get drug too? Eclipse.

[beginning Twilight mini rant. Highlight to read]

Now this friend of mine is a Twilight fan and wanted to see Eclipse. I will state for the record that I am a proud Anti-Twilighter but I'm also a 'Passive" one, (my job kind of forces to be-- a lot of my kids love the series and I usually have to grin and bear it, or shrug in conversations about who is the hot one). I do not hate people for liking the series, nor will I consider you a lesser life form for loving it. Yes, I have read all of the books, (as a matter of a fact, I've read EVERYTHING! that money cow author has spat out, including The Host, which was a serious waste of trees), seen all the movies and analyzed that series from every angle twice, (because I take my job seriously enough to want to relate to my riders) and I can proudly say.... I WANNA PUNCH THAT COW AUTHOR IN THE THROAT SO MUCH IT HURTS! You see, that's my problem with the entire series, the Author and the subtext she preaches, that's it in a nutshell. If you're a fan and wanna debate me on the subject, feel free. I'm not evil, I won't RAGE! on you and nothing you say will be posted or repeated. My only condition is that you speak to me as an ADULT, not "OMG Y DNY U LIK IT!"

[end of rant]

Anyway, before the movie, my friend and I spent half an hour in a local bar, she had her 'Poofer' drink and I had two Mojitos (because there's no way in hell I see any of those Twilight movies sober, I don't behave lol.) We arrived at the theater half an hour early in order to beat the crowd of teen aged girls. To my dismay, I saw that the Behavioral Health group that my Ranch works with, had brought a group of 20 kids to the theater... 20 kids that I work with day in and day out and I've personally taught at least 5 of them to ride on one of my big boy horses. Now its always fun when one of my students notices me in public because they act like they've just seen on of their school teachers and now all of their fun is ruined lol. But today... I was playing hookie lol, good example no? So I hurried to the theater before they could see me and claimed the balcony seating. A few minutes later, I noticed my kids enter the theater and sit in the first level.

.....and yeah, it was awkward watching the scene with the Bella/Edward dry humping and trying not to laugh at its stupidity (I blame this on being a porn writer myself lol) with all of my kids sitting bellow me.

KM: Oh Crap (hides)
KM's friend: What are you doing?
KM: Hiding.
KM's Friend: Why?
KM: Cause those are my kids in the lower level
KM's friend: Um... and?
KM: And I'm playing hookie and seeing this thing. I can't be seen in a Twilight movie because then they'll be chewing at me with what Team I'm on. Plus, I smell like Rum!
KM's Friend: (rolls eyes)
One hour and ten minutes later...
KM's friend: I thought there were gonna save the sex until the next movie?
KM: Holy crap that's a lot of dry humping! (Pauses as a thought suddenly dawns) Oh shit, my KIDS are watching all this dry humping!
KM's Friend: ...... well, they're over 13 right?
KM: (groans)

As for the movie....... well, at least the CGI wolves were nice. I'm hoping that'll kick my Dehumanized muse in the rear. And, once more for the record.... fuck Team Edward and Team Jacob. I'm on Team Corbin Fisher!

real life, rl, movies

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