Well I've had an interesting week

Aug 30, 2009 18:52

Hello girls (and one guy), how y'all been? I know I haven't been online much this week and the reason why is kind of a long but-funny-in-some parts story. And I'm going to freakin' tell it because at the moment I don't have anything else to post about.

Prepare for some bitching and humor

So I'll just start at the beginning. A few months ago, my pay got cut at the ranch due to lack of funding (because apparently the morons at the capital -minus Arnold because I know he's trying his best- think funding for the state council-that-spends-8-months-deciding-on-a-fucking-buget-plan-that-allows-them-to-keep-their-company-cars-and-beach-homes (there for making the rest of us suffer from lack of payment!!!) and spending millions on dollars on an over priced bran new Air Tanker that is more then likely never going to be used, is more important then health care, rehab programs and education for children. But hey, no biggie right? Over here, we're kind of used to our kids being dumber then a rock and our schools being at the bottom of the GPA pool. So for the past few months, I've been over worked and seriously under paid working on the ranch and don't get me wrong, I love doing it (and I'm going to keep doing it) but the fucking apartment don't pay for its self.

So the bills have been piling up because the number one defense for a depression is to JACK UP THE FUCKING PRICES ON EVERYTHING! and I've been getting stressed about it.

Last Tuesday, I was really, really wound up about everything and two things happened that really sent me over the edge. First, the coveted PS3 died! (I know that doesn't sound like much and truthfully it isn't, but its still $350 I have to shell out for a new one *grumble*) and Bodey got into a tiff with another dog in my building Tuesday evening. Both dogs, mucked each other up a bit, Bodey's left ear was torn open and the other dog had teeth imprints in its neck. The good news about the whole event is that the owner of the dog was a reasonable person and apologized because her dog was off its leash and charged my dog first. The bad news, I had to pay a $500 vet bill for Bodey to get his ear stitched (I don't even wanna know what the other chick had to pay for her dog).

Wensday morning, in full view of my best friend I had (to this day) one of the weirdest panic attacks in my life (and I've had some steller ones in my day lol) I don't remember much but Chris has informed me that one second I was talking about how I wanted a Doctor Pepper and then noticed I was running low and then went into a long rant about how fucking expensive everything costs and how I really wanted to buy some DVDs this month and had to use the money I was saving for Bodey's vet bill and the next she says I was on the floor screaming and eventually blacked out. I don't remember shit about this and I really wished she could've recorded it on her phone so I can see it and possibly send it in somewhere to make money lol.

Wensday night, I woke up in the hosptial because in our poor lilttle town, that's where you take the 'crazy' people. The head doctor who was somewhat hot told me I was under 'panic watch' because apperently having a little tiff about money makes you suicidal, who would've thunk it? I bluntly told him it unessasary because one, I wasn't that upset and two, if I was going to kill myself, I wouldn't do it in a hospital because of the germs and because the cheap basterds running the place would find a way to charge me for it. I got a pretty good laugh outa him with that comment.

So I had to stay the evening. I didn't sleep a freakin' wink all night so I made Christina (as punishment for sticking me in there) bring me some books and my laptop complete with a few DVDs and my porn collection. I got through the first two disks of True Blood before getting bored (good show but needs more gay vampires), the first two seasons of Always Sunny In Philadelphia (love that show), Prom Night (which was dumb as hell, how does one guy with a kitchen knife cut through an entire police squad without someone hearing anything?), the first season of Dog: The Bounty Hunter (much to my surprise, I ended up liking that freakin' show, his two sons are hot) and Stright Stud Fuck Fest number 5 from Corbin Fisher (dear god, thank you for that hawt ass feast for the eyes, five guys, strip poker and over 11 positions we can bend Jeff and Derek into ^_^)

In the morning, the bomb shell came. Mommy and Daddy were informed of my little fit and came to see me, under the impression that I was suicidal. Once all of the "OMG" and "WHAT" was outa the way, they finally got the full story. Later my mum asked me if I wanted to move back home so I can get my head right (and help with my money troubles) and I decided to take them up on that offer.

At the moment, I'm in the middle of packing for my move and I'm actually in a good mood about this. I don't have to pay rent (someting I'm thanking god for), Bodey is going to have a big yard to run around and play in (its been hell keeping him in an apartment this past few months because I was usually to tired in the evenings to take him for his long walks or to the dog park) and since I paid my truck off last month I might even be able to save up for a new car if I can find a job back in my hometown. I'm still going to try to work on the ranch during the weekends because I really love it up there and I'm sure I'll enjoy it even more when I'm not worrying about working myself to death for money.

Hopefully being back home and with all of the stress finally wearing off I can relax and work on writing something. I've had hundreds of ideas this past month but haven't been able to work on any of them.

Also on a good note, I did get to see Inglourious Basterds this week. Tell me I'm not the only person on my F-list that wants to slash this? Eli Roth, Brad Pitt and Til Schweiger all in the same movie, how can we resist? lol

groan, real life, stress

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