Welcome and hello!
This is a Semi-Friend Locked Journal. As more and more people I've never talked to, or who have empty journals, are adding me, I thought it was about time I informed the nonexistent masses why I may or may not add someone back.
First and foremost. This journal and it's contents are rated R. Beware of homo pairing perversion, failings at humor, Ohmiyaismarried fangirling, and all similar warnings and disclaimers for adult content.
Secondly: I'm always open new friends. It really helps if we have something (ex. Ohmiya, Sakuraiba, Arashi love) in common though. The more people to flail with, the better if you ask me! Please don't be shy, I only bite Aiba...and sometimes Ohno when Nino isn't looking. :D
If you've looked me up intentionally, you might know I'm an Arashi fanfic writer. My archive can be found below this post, and it will always be unlocked for public viewing. If you're wanting to add me just for access there, don't worry, that post will never be locked.
So, if I know you from somewhere, or you know me from somewhere or through someone, and you want to be friends, comment here or send me a private message. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, but I do this purely out of self protection and paranoia. If you've already friended me, this is why I may never have added you back. That or you got lost in my inbox, sorry. ;_;
Also, if you don't want to friend, but just want to say hi, tell me how much I suck or that I will burn in hell for writing homo porn, please feel free to comment here, as this post also will act as a guest book of sorts. :D
Again, sorry for the trouble, and have an Arashi filled day,