Answer the questions and tag up to 10 people if you like~
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laurachan2 About the person who tagged you…
1.Which Arashi member are they most like? Oh crap….can I go with the 6th member Toma? No? Then…Aiba. For friendliness, hug-a-bility and animal loving-ness.
2.Which Arashi member do you think they would be most compatible with based on
personality? (not by who their favorite is) Sho. They can 1. Have intelligent conversations 2. Have silly conversations 3. Impress each other with stick figure drawings and 4. Stalk Aiba at his favorite stores and restaurants (because we all know that idols don’t ‘accidentally’ have the same shopping grounds without ulterior motives)
3.What Arashi song best describes this person and why? Te Agero. Kansha Kangeki Ame Arashi. She’s incredibly supportive in times of need, and definitely will help any one who needs it to ‘smile again.’
Arashi Questions
4.What is The First Drama you saw with an Arashi member. Kimi Wa Petto
5.List your… OTP. Ohmiya
6.closet (secret) OTP Aimoto
7.Top 3 Arashi songs: Pikanchi Double, Ima Ai wo Katarou, A.Ra.Shi
8.Least favorite Arashi songs. All or Nothing, all of Jun’s solos except Yabaix3 and La Famillia
9.Rank the Arashi boys in order of who has the cutest smile. 1.Jun, 2. Ohno, 3.Aiba, 4.Nino, 5. Sho
10.If you could reorganize the Arashi color code, which color would you assign each member? Ohno would be…sea green. Aiba would be sunshine yellow, Nino=baby blue, Sho's still red, and Jun would be sparkly (and yes for Jun that’s a color)
11.Which Arashi members would make the best stars of shoujo, shounen, and yaoi anime (cannot use the same member more then once) Shoujo-Jun because he‘s pretty like that, Shounen- Sho, in some kind of sports anime he'd fail at. A lot. Yaoi- Nino because he’s the curious case of the seme turned uke turned seme again.
12.If you could replace any member as the actor in any other member's work, who would you swap?(Aiba for Domyouji, Sho for Tarou etc) I think Aiba as Bambi in Kisarazu would have been a riot XD
13.Who would you want as a crossdressing model, a cosplay model, and an underwear model (can't use same Arashi member twice) cross-dressing: Sho (he does it so well ;_; ) cosplay: Jun because it would be hilarious, underwear model: Ohno (no explanation required)
14.If your OTP could star in a bl (boy love) movie of your choice which genre would it be and what would the title be? Ohmiya version of the Princess Bride. Could be titled The Prince Bride? :D
15.If Ohno were a doughnut, what flavor would he be? If I say bavarian creme doughnut hole, would that imply something?
16.Two Arashi members get locked inside a room for five minutes. Who are they and what do they end up doing? Aiba and Nino: would be chatting normally about the latest baseball league news (were you expecting something dirty? :D)
17.Favorite picture of your (Arashi)ichiban
18. Favorite picture of your OTP
19. Favorite Arashi picture
20. Favorite picture of a NON Arashi famous guy
21. #1 Arashi picture you would not like to show your grandma
Damn buckets.
eufry rawambition camaronzin rikke_leonhart ohmeeyuh yuri_senritsu saku062
nattora pilkul_calpico panthera_mort (and though I know you're on hiatus)
I have work in four hours, so I'm off to bed. Have a good weekend everyone~