США призвали Северную Корею ответственнее относиться к интеллектуальной собственности после того, как на пхеньянской сцене в детском спектакле появились герои диснеевских мульфильмов: Микки-Маус, Винни-Пух и Тигра.
Фото агентства Ассошиэйтед пресс.
Весть о спектакле долетела сегодня до госдепартамента. Ниже следует стенограмма ответов на вопросы по этому поводу с брифинга в Госдепе его представителя Патрика Вентрела:
MR. VENTRELL: Okay. Well, let me give you our reaction. Broadly speaking, on the D.P.R.K., we think it needs to meet its international obligations. It’s got to become a responsible member of the international community, certainly a responsible - as a responsible member, we would want them to comply with intellectual property rights. But our focus is on the much wider issue of getting the D.P.R.K. to meet their commitments and obligations and to meet the needs of their people.
Obviously, intellectual property rights are important to us, as the Ambassador -- our Ambassador to the EU noted, and how seriously we take IPR. It’s obviously something that our economic officers throughout the world raise continually and constantly, when we see -- we have chronic and repeated instances of IPR abuse. We absolutely raise it through bilateral channels with governments. It’s something that we think is very important. We’re very proud of American innovation, we’re very proud of American products, and of course, we want them to have the appropriate free and fair treatment and access, and to get the appropriate benefit for their creations.
But as you know, we don’t have a bilateral relationship with North Korea, so it’s not the kind of situation where we would raise it in the same way that we could in other countries.
QUESTION: Well, you could get the Swedes to do it. Are you saying that, yeah, it’s an issue but we’re - but it’s - in the grand scheme of problems with North Korea, this is a pretty minor one, so you’re not going to raise it through your protecting power?
MR. VENTRELL: Well, what I’m saying is, is that the D.P.R.K. needs to come in line with its international obligations --
QUESTION: Oh, I understand, but it sounds like --
MR. VENTRELL: -- which are very serious. Obviously, one item among many in terms of international obligations are intellectual property rights, which we take seriously. And obviously, we do regularly raise them around the world, and it’s something that we think is of fundamental importance. It’s part of our economic statecraft that is something that this Administration promotes very actively, and so we work it very actively.
QUESTION: Are there any legal remedies for Disney to pursue, given how angry they are, at least in their public statements, about the appropriation of their copyrighted figures and personages and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera?
MR. VENTRELL: Well, I really refer you to Disney. Obviously, they’re a very major company. They have their products all over the world. So intellectual property rights are very important to them, and I’m sure they can provide you an analysis of this situation.