Day 30: Character Death

May 10, 2011 18:25

I caught a stomach bug yesterday. It's been an exciting 24 hours... Needless to say, I was late for Day 30. So sorry~

Day 30 - Saddest Final Fantasy character death.

I'm sure everyone's expecting me to say Aerith for this answer and leave it at that. But! I'll be completely honest. Here's what happened:

I went over to my best friend's house to watch Pokemon and various other things, and she was all, "you have to come see this, it's awesome!" So she turned on her PS1 and played me certain scenes from FFVII. We watched the opening, we watched Cloud's first visit to Honey Bee Inn, and we watched Aerith get slaughtered.

So, I knew what was coming! For that reason, it didn't really punch me in the gut as hard as it normally would have. However, Cloud in AC made me feel Aerith's death about twenty million times more. It's so deliciously angsty and heartbreaking. Oh, Cloud. ♥ As you are a Jolteon, you are a very good conduit.

Aerith's death should go here, so I'll go ahead and make that the short answer now that I've blabbed all of that. Hahaha, sorry.

Anyway, here are other deaths that have left me heartbroken and with a general "D:" face:

FFVII: Zack (omg, the end of CC always makes me cry, ffff), Aerith, Avalanche
FFVIII: ODIN NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Seriously. So much sadness when Seifer killed Odin. :|
FFX: Auron. He didn't get a mother-effin' cinema when he was sent. What the hell! He's the coolest guy there, but they don't give him any love. Well Iiiii love you, Auron. ♥
FFXI: Rishfee, Luzaf (T_T I tried to save you from Odin!), Machegue, Cyranuce (I wanted to be DRG, I didn't wanna kill you. :[), Aquila (shut it, I love Aquila, even if I had to kill him), Lilith, Lilisette's first death (this death was the one that left me the most "O_O")
FFXII: Noah (WHY! He could have been saved! :(!!)
FFXIII: Vanille, Fang (well, maybe they aren't dead, but), Hope's mom (...haha, just kidding)
DUODECIM: Team Canon Fodder's death was very sad. :(

Um, yeah, I think that's everyone. I'm probably missing someone that's a lot more important, but for now Zack and Aerith are my top two. T_T

I'm hoping Glee and Chopped will pump me back up tonight. Yes, I watch very different and strange shows. 30 more minutes! Guess I'll try to eat some crackers in the meantime. And make more Lili icons while I waste time watching TV.

I only have Paint to make icons with... but I think I'm getting better as I go. More creative cropping! >_> Yeah...

Oh right, I'll leave this here, too.

toffeethesnob said this to me last night:


Prompt: A tale of a tail!
Etc: Short fluffy piece involving Kuja brushing his tail.

On Grooming

The soles of Cloud's shoes just barely scuffed the wooden floorboards of the Prima Vista as he shuffled into the dressing room. It was typically his way of announcing himself to Kuja, but he played it off as if it was a natural action. Before he lifted his eyes to look around the room he raked his fingers through his golden strands, moving them out of the way of his blue eyes.

It wasn't uncommon for him to find Kuja in any manner of dress, wearing a various costume left in the forgotten tomes of the theater ship. When he saw the delicate fabric of the genome's white skirt, Cloud only followed the direction it seems to lead, but when he caught sight of Kuja he only lifted a curious brow. In one hand the silver-haired man held a comb, in the other his tail was gently laid. At that point the soldier knew better than to ask questions, no matter how badly he wanted to.

"Well, don't just stand there like a dolt," Kuja huffed.

Clearly irritated, Kuja turned away from the blonde just slightly before he resumed the careful task of grooming. Even if he abhorred the appendage, he still took plenty of time to make sure that every hair was in its place, just as he did for his hair. The other warriors of Chaos wondered what he did all day, but it was quite the laborious task, if he said so.

"What are you," Cloud began as he stepped closer.

"What does it look like?" Kuja interrupted him with an air of exasperation in his tone. "It's not like these things take care of themselves."

Cloud wanted to say that he didn't understand; his hair did fall into place, whether he brushed it or not. He could sleep, swim, fight, and even ride a motorbike, and his hair would be unaffected. He suspected that even if he had a tail it would be the same kind of thing.

"Here," Kuja pressed the handle of the brush into Cloud's palm when the blonde was close enough, a light grin on his lips. "Make yourself useful, and," he leaned closer to Cloud, close enough for their noses to brush as the genomes tail looped around Cloud's thigh, "do be sure to be gentle."

Though Cloud opened his mouth to say something, in the end he only nodded. Once he got the hang of it, grooming had its perks, if only to see the half-lidded gaze of the genome when the coarse brush hit the perfect spot. At one point Cloud thought about suggesting that Kuja go into Trance, but in the end he lost his nerve. A tail was enough.

Whoo, what a short and crappy drabble. x)

fic, meme, clouja

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