Apr 04, 2006 21:15
1. Are you a child of the 70’s 80’s or 90’s? Definitely an 80's baby!
2. Where were you born? Bay City, MI
3. If you were born in another country how old were you when you came here? Was born here in the good ol' USA
4. What city did you grow up in? Standish
5. Did you enjoy your childhood? For the most part... I would've loved to have had some siblings :(.
6. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher, or a singer.... but we all know I can't sing so teacher it was...lol
7. What was your favorite toy when you were little? my kitchen set, my dolls, and all my cars ;)
8. Name the first memorable vacation you took as a kid. I went with my mom and her friend Audrey to Minnesota for Easter to visit a friend of theirs. I remember my mom buying me a backpack that I really wanted for Easter and putting all my candy in it. We also went to the Mall of America.
9. What was your first best friend’s name? Joel Charbonneau... wow, was taht a long time ago!
10. Are they still your best friend? NO, Haven't spoken to him in like 2 years.
11. If not, who are your bestfriend/s now? Kayla, Cara, and Naomi
12. how did u meet this person/people? College...I knew I loved college for a reason!
13. Can you name all the schools you ever attended? Most definitely- Standish Elementary, Standish-Sterling High School, SVSU, and Edge Hill College
14. Who was your first crush? Matt Senske in first grade... Wonder whatever happened to him???
15. Were you a shy quiet kid or a very wild and roudy kid? Definitely shy and quiet, still am that way for the most part
16. When you were little, what did you do for fun? So many things. I loved playing school and playing house. But playing with cars and legos was also pretty fun. I really enjoyed watching MTV too, but that was when there was actually music on that station. Rollerblading and riding my bike were pretty high on my list too. I also liked video games, reading, and playing out in the fort. Guess you could say I did a little bit of eveything.
17. Were you closer to your Mommy or Daddy as a kid? I would definitely have to say my mom. My dad was never, and still isn't, in the picture.
18. Do you have any embarrassing school stories to share? Oh yes. My mom was gone to the Bahamas for vacation when I was in third grade. I was staying with my friend Jenea' and her family. We weren't feeling good one day, but Jenea's sister thought we were just trying to skip out of school, so she made us go. Later in the day, while we were switching back from reading I felt the urge to throw up, so I tried to bolt to the bathroom. However, there was this bigger kid, Billy, taking his sweet old time to get to his seat and I couldn't get around him. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the bathroom and threw up right there on the floor. The janitor had to come and put that sawdust stuff on the floor. We had art later that day and had to move all the desks out of the way. It smelled so bad, and I was sooo embarassed!
19. What was the first record, tape, or CD you remember buying? Alanis Morrissette, Jagged LIttle Pill tape
20. How old did you want to be when you got married? Always wanted to be married at 21, guess that isn't going to happen :(
21. How old to have kids? Never a specific age, but definitely about 2 years after I got married, young mom was what I was going for
22. Were you scared of anything? Onlty when I was really little... I had just watched Nightmare on Elm Street and was terrified that Freddy was waiting for me outside our bathroom window or waiting at the foot of my bed to get my feet
23. What was your favorite class in school? English and Reading
24. Did you buy school lunch or bring your own? generally, i ate hot lunch... wasn't a really picky kid
25. Broke any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid? Yeah, I broke the baby toe on my right foot when I was five. I was at the shop that my mom used to work at and there wasn't a bathroom inside. So I went out back to go potty and I knocked over a 150 pound weight that was sitting on a pole and it landed on my toe. I yelled until someone heard me and then we spent 5 hours in the emergency room, on Mother's day!
26. Were you a meanie head or miss priss? Wasn't really either one.
27. Favorite board game of all time? That would have to be Life, I still love that game!
28. Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero? definitely played house
29. Random memory from when you were a kid: My half-sister and I were fighting with pillows and I hit a glass that was sitting on the table. The glass broke and a shard of it landind in my arm near my elbow. I have a scar to show for it!
30. Seriously...are you still just a kid at heart? Oh most definitely!