Jul 19, 2005 14:33
So, it's been pretty uneventful here in Louisville, at least until yesterday. I was working at Limited yesterday and my mom called and told me to call this guy from Humana back cause he'd called my house. So, I get off work and immediately call the guy back and he asks me if I've gotten any job offers. I say, "well no." The guy then says, "well we're officially extending the offer to you." So, in case you haven't figured out what that means, I have a job!!! Wahoo! I'm really excited about it because I will be doing something within my field of study (ie. advertising and marketing). I start in about two weeks from now and then I think I have two weeks of training before I move up to Indianapolis. So, for all my Louisville people, I'll be around for about another month, then it's auf wiedersehen. I'm really excited about the job, finally, all the searching and worrying is over. Now, I'm just the slightest bit nervous, not about moving to a city where I know no one, but more about the job. It'll be great though. So, once I'm up there and settled, people, you will need to come and visit me. Okay, so that's all for now, oh if anyone has recommendations on a good car, let me know, cause I'm going to be needing one with my moving and all. Come sempre.