spirit week so far...

Nov 16, 2005 11:30

monday i didnt do to wacky..tuesday was old people day and i looked asian...and today i did a retro 70's/80's...im going completely blue tomorrow and reppin the class of Juniors 06...lol its gonna be fun...lol watever so far i guess it was a good week...the bad thing is im just now gettin grounded from stuff at home cause of my D+...it sux...i get like 15 mins on the fone...watever thas better than none at all right?? lol watever...im also pissed cause i wanna go in this limo with anna,jr,joel,destiny,michelle,britt, and some other people and i cant go cause theyr all stayen at anna's house after the dance and my mom wont let me go cause "boys" are gonna be there...>:(...omg im 16 years old...thas bullshit...watever...i dont even wanna go anymore...nothen worked out the way i wanted it to...i just wanna escape and its not worken out...i duno watever...gota go
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