Dec 09, 2004 16:03
My livejournal is no more.
Because of many recent events, I am not on livejournal anymore. One, last year the school had an issue with Livejournal and blew it out of proportion, putting one of my friends in "harms way" I guess you could say. Two, this ordeal where my really good friend's family found hers and - for some strange reason - thinks that writing down her thoughts in a non-destructive, painless way is somehow a bad thing. Because of this my mother (whom I'm very close to and respects my privacy completely) has suggested that I do away with the LJ thing. So, you are no more. I am deleting or privatizing all my enteries, saving only the ones I feel are relevant.
I'm sorry, but when people take your own private thoughts to an extreme and try to publisize them and THEN call your own parents as if having a journal is a bad thing...well, then I guess I do have a problem with it.
Keep in touch -