May 12, 2005 03:46
MY asshole of a brother is sleeping in my bed AGAIN! He spends the night and he spends it in my FUCKING bedroom! I come home from a party looking forawrd to sleeping and I find that son of a bitch (no offense mom) sleeping in MY FUCKING BEDROOM!
Seriously, tomorrow I am getting a lock for my bedroom. No ifs buts or I cants, I'm doing it. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!
Music: "Never" - Deja Vu
Mood: Better
well at about 7:30am this morning, I marched over to my bedroom, opened the door, questioned why Steve was in my bed, and then I told him to get the fuck out. It ended up in us yelling in each other's faces (him spraying), he tore my shirt when he grabbed me roughly, he got really close in my face which really pisses me off, but I stood my ground. It ended with us fixing it up at the end, but I still don't like him, but I'd rather have things ending on better terms than bad.
I told him he is arrogant, I told him everyone who has met him thinks he arrogant and an asshole. Anyway, I got a lot off of my chest and I must say I feel better. I've been getting pissy with a lot of people in the past while, so if any of them were you, I'm sorry. I'm done being whiny and grouchy. it's going to make people not want to be around me if it continues! So I'm done.