I find myself for reasons unknown craving orange juice with a passion. I could drink a half gallon of it in a sitting if I let myself. I have no idea why.
Awhile back, someone on my friends list asked folks what song they would want to be played at their funeral. While Suze's May I Suggest still gets my vote, I think I would leave Sidda with Away Down the River, as sung by Alison Krauss.
http://www.lyricsmania.com/lyrics/alison_krauss_lyrics_3115/a_hundred_miles_or_more_a_collection_lyrics_42035/away_down_the_river_lyrics_455315.html --
Very often, when I'm sitting at the computer during the day and the baby monitor is on, I will frequently hear something stirring in the bedroom, sounding like a sleeper moving beneath the covers or a cat slipping stealthily by or a restless spirit simply going about it's daytime chores, whatever they may be. Oddly, this doesn't really disturb me in the least. In fact, it's almost a comforting sound, because it tells me that if there are in fact ghosts in the house, and they are content enough to not go out of their way to make themselves obvious in an obnoxious sort of way, that they are content to coexist with my family. When I hear it/them over the monitor, I almost feel as if I'm intruding, and turn the monitor off out of politeness.
The ringtone on my phone is Amy Winehouse's Rehab. Sophia called me the other day while I was with Siddalee in the Big Much, and Amy's voice started singing "They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said.." at which point Sidda bursts out with "No...No.....NO!" The employee on duty and I got a big laugh out of that.
More later as I think of things to share...