Okay, I feel that I must address this bug situation in the South… and because my sister was so immensely disturbed by the bugs that she was shocked not to find them in my travel accounts. While in New Orleans, I stepped outside to call T while having a smoke and we were over taken by this terrifying rising tide of noise that seemed to engulf us. T was convinced it was Sand Merks (
http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/The_Flight_of_Dragons) that were trying to drive me insane. Despite my efforts to locate a huge swarm of creatures capable of such a ruckus, I saw only one bug high up in a tree. It turns out this was my first introduction to the cicada.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada “Remarkable acoustic talents” is an understatement. It sounds like something out of a horror film…
Then, I get to my new home and am carrying my boxes across the lawn to my door, because it was the shortest route. Well, I get a few bug bites on my ankles, which I just thought were mosquito bites. The next day they are swollen and itchy, the following day they turn into half dollar sized purple welts! I’m still not sure if those were the fire ants or what got me…
Now the new scourge of the town are the “Love Bugs”
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LovebugThe article about covers it… doubled up bugs that get so thick they will clog your radiator and they are so acidic they eat off the paint from your car… Gross! I’ll keep you updated as the situation evolves.