I napped and I feel much better.
So one more month until I'm due! One one hand I cannot WAIT to not be pregnant and get this baby out and on the other hand I really hope she stays in there at least until after Marcus' birthday on the 29th. It's gonna be close, that's for sure, but I'd like to be able to celebrate Marcus turning 2 (we're having a little party at the botanical gardens playground). Also, my mom is flying in on the 24th to stay for a month and help out with everything so at the VERY least I want to wait until then. We're doing a home water birth again because it went so well last time and hey, we already have the pool! But this time is different with Marcus being here and all, and while I have no problem with him witnessing his sister's birth (although if he were older I might not be comfortable with it) I just know that he's not going to sit patiently by or play quietly by himself while I'm in labour. Not gonna happen. So the plan is if I go into labour while Marcus is home (not at school) and awake (not like.. 2am) my mom is checking into a hotel for the night with him so that he'll be out of the way while everything is happening. This is all counting on the fact that Claudia isn't more than a week early. If she *is*... well I suppose Oli will have to take Marcus to a hotel and it will just be me and the midwives... which would make me kind of sad. So stay in there, baby! But not too long! If she is late, that's also inconvenient because my mom is only staying until the 20th of November and the later she is the less help I get from my mom. All this is counting a lot on a completely unpredictable thing... but Marcus came at exactly the right time (a week late but like, hours before my mom's flight landed in Japan) so maybe we will be lucky.
In other news I saw this tshirt online and I really want it, but it's expensive and not available in Japan anyway.
I found a tutorial on how to make it yourself with fabric paint and wax paper stenciling so if I manage to find time and the supplies then I think that's what I will do. I've been debating on whether or not to dress-up Marcus for Halloween... I feel like it's kind of a waste of money to buy a costume for him when we don't even do trick-or-treating over here. I love Halloween though and I love dressing Marcus up (poor kid, haha) so that might win out over being sensible. If I was more skilled at sewing I would make his costume for him but I want him to be a lion (he LOVES lions) and I'm not sure I could make that without it looking like crap.
This is just adorable:
But again, I have to limit myself to what I can find here or what I can have shipped to my mom in Canada in time for her to bring with her.
Okay, enough procrastinating! I feel like I wasted enough of my day by napping.... on to the mountain of dishes! :oP