In Kobe at Ana and Tatsuya's house. Yesterday I had to be in Kobe for work, so I decided to stay overnight and hang with Ana instead of taking the train back at night, exhausted. This is the first time I've left Oli and Marcus overnight (not that I'm worried about it, I just never had a reason to before). Unfortunately, my internal alarm clock is set to 6am so after trying and trying to sleep in later I gave up around 7. But it's still nice to not have to get out of bed and make breakfast or change a diaper :o)
Oli is on his summer break now until September (lucky bastard) which takes a load off me. Until now he left for work at 7am and came home at 6pm so it was my job to feed, dress and take Marcus to school before going to work, as well as picking him up after work, making dinner and entertaining him. Now Oli's gonna do all the Marcus stuff and hopefully dinner and some house cleaning too which is AWESOME because I be exhausted pregnant lady.
I can't believe I'm having another small human in 3 months. One small human in my house is still mind boggling at times, having two is just going to be so weird. I feel like with two kids we're really a complete family :o)
Well, I'm going to leisurely enjoy my coffee before deciding with Ana what relaxing and child-free activity we will indulge in today. Then I'm going to take the train back to Kyoto and give Marcus a biiiiig squeeze when I get home cos I already miss him!
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