Jan 09, 2012 22:14
I made cinnamon buns and they sucked so bad I had to throw them out. I don't blame the recipe... I read all the reviews and everyone said they were awesome and easy to make. I blame our shitty not-really-an-oven Japanese microwave/oven. I hate baking in it, I should stop trying. Gonna stick to recipes that bake IN the bread maker from now on :o/
I put ads in all the gaijin classifieds to try and sell the watch I bought Oli for xmas. I got one response so far and he's offering me over 10,000yen less than what I paid for it. I tried to barter with him and he just linked me to an online shop where he could buy the same watch cheaper. So I'm gonna take the hit and just try not to think too hard about it.