Well, my photographs are up
HERE, some of them I quite like. they do actually have EXIF information embedded in them, except Apache::Gallery isn't picking up on that fact, I blame Aperture, as i've not tweaked any of the setting on the Gallery.
Which reminds me, one of these days I'll actually integrate the gallery with the rest of the site design, it _should_ be simple enough, it just requires one of those mystical round tuits.
The convention itself was nice and relaxing, I lost a bit of money at poker, (mainly down to a night when i hit the whisky too hard), won some money at poker, no limit cash games are fun. It was good to see some old friends, some of whom I haven't seen since last year.
Managed to almost pass 7 clubs, Martin and I spent maybe 30 mins working on it, and it was starting to feel close towards the end.