Apr 12, 2005 17:55
There they are, waiting like fishhooks in the mailbox, baited with promises of low APR and no service fees. How stupid do they think I am? You there! Yes, you! You look like a sucker. How would you like to buy yourself some debt? We'll even throw in free phone calls from angry people who want to take your stuff away! Oh, did I say your stuff? Because actually, it isn't yours if you don't pay for it. But that's just a technicality, after all. And what'll do more for your living room? A technicality, or a few hi-def plasma televisions? I think I proved my point. Jump for that carrot, America. Are you jumping yet? It doesn't take a degree in accounting to figure out that if you spend money you don't technically have, you're buying things you don't technically own, and to pay them off will cost more money than you'll ever technically make.
How is your father like a heroin addict?
Neither of them can quit wasting their lives doing the same thing day after day, and they're both great at thinking up ways to justify it.
How is your father different from a heroin addict?
The heroin addict has some pleasure in his life.