Apr 18, 2006 22:53
im cold and alone and i miss my adam =(
i cant believe i dont get to see him for another 2 days
it sucks so much ass i think its given me cancer.
to make matters worse warcraft is down and adams drinking with his buddies.
*sits alone in her room*
i feel a rant coming on........
Why is it when your unemployed people automatically start treating you like your mentally retarded?
i mean.. im not the smartest kid in the world... but im not stupid either... and this job network place im with seems to think im suited to kitchen hand jobs or... get this.... CASUAL CHICKEN CATCHING....
i have both business and hospitality certificates, i have my RSA and my RSC, i got good grades in school, i have drive and ambition. and still these fuckers are treating me as tho i took a pair of scissors to my head and gouged out half my brain!
The problem is these "recruitment agencies" start dumbing down everything for you and start telling you why you CANT have these jobs instead of why you CAN. eventually you start believing that youre worth nothing and will never get a job coz youre just not good enough to compete with society. Like adam! hes got a brain and a half and is the most talented and creative person ive ever seen... and these fuckers have got him working in an old farts home doing gardening for $20 a week... and i dont know if its just me... but i see a serious fucking problem with that.
i had my job network guy actually tell a class of people that a full time kitchen had job wouldnt suit any off us coz 30hrs a week is a bit much and that the boss is an asshole........ HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT GET PEOPLE JOBS????
then on the other end of the scale theres all those homos out there that dont see the need to work. one guy rocks up to the class in torn jeans and a dirty singlet saying if employers dont like it they can stick it up their ass... while another flat out falls asleep in the middle of the room, and when practically handed a brilliant job... the lazy fuck says "i dun wanna get up at fuckin 9 in de fuckin mornin, ill be hung over an' still completely off mi face"
and there it was, without another word said... a perfectly good job shot down for no real reason except for pure laziness....and of course, this guy being a total wank job... whom at every waking moment i wanted to cram steaming hot mokey shit down his throat.... but... thats besides the point......*ahem*
and then... theres me... with some decent skills, a good (yet sometimes negative ^see above^) attitude. applying for jobs and not even getting interviews... so what do i do from here? go without food so i can scrounge up enough money to do a tafe course? lower my standards and just become a fucking chicken catcher? oh! the options!
some people say work is work and money is money...... that saying, is single handedly dumbing down australia.....
dont settle people... were all smart... we can all get somewhere if we work hard enough...... just stop yer fucking whinging and get of yer lazy ass and do something about it =P
*takes own advice*