oh lol

Aug 19, 2009 21:02

So! The week so far has been A-okay, and I'm actually pretty satisfied with everything. The classes seem exciting and for once I think I like my teachers just fine. Amen for that.

And this cheerful mood? I'm going to keep it, plzthnx. I like being happy, at least for a while.

And now, a meme taken from yukiiiii :D.

Put your mp3 player on shuffle and write down the first lines of the first twenty songs, then post the poem that results.

No matter how apart we are...
Come in, come in, come in, come in
There's something beating here inside my body
Dead meat,
I'll fake it through the day
Baby, I've been waiting,
I’m a prisoner of love
You’re my friend
This is a brand new problem, a problem without any clues
I wish I had your pair of wings
The lunatic is on the grass
Come the day
Throwing candy out to the crowd, dragging down the main
Racey days
I can’t help my feelings
You said “something will change”
What is it for ?
Can’t you see I’m trying, I don’t even like it
I'm living on shattered faith

...........my winamp is terribly, awfully emo. And almost always sincere. Which scares me. But what the hell, who cares.

meme, mah laif, felicidad

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