Apr 13, 2006 20:46
Yes, as in the song. ./` I can't wait for the weekend to begin! ./`
My weekend started out pretty well. I had my final evaluation with my supervisor because he's going home to visit his sick father for the next two weeks (my last two weeks at Zenon). He told me previously that he was going to give me Very Good (or he may have meant "very good" as in "a very good score"), but in the end he gave me Excellent. The only reason he gave me below the top two "scores" in any category were because the categories were not applicable to my position. I'm glad that he was happy with my work. ^^
Due to a logistical hiccup (ok, so that's being fairly generous), I stayed at work until past 18:00. I actually didn't get home until about 20:00 because of damn infrequent GO trains! But I did get to spend some time with Alia, who's going to NYC this weekend -- the lucky biotch, so it wasn't all bad. ^^
Right now I'm packing up to go and stay with Genny and Kurt. Tomorrow morning we're going to go swing by Market Village/Pacific Mall to eat breakfast at the congee place (Three Wong Kei) and pick up some goodies for the grandparents before heading up (WAY UP) to Markham.
Other than that ... my weekend plans are up in the air. I was horrible and haven't called Jason yet, I will have to do that soon.
In a little stint of Geoppy-brand drama, Tom, Mike's new boyfriend, somehow discovered my secret blog that I've been keeping to talk about all things Mike. It was probably because I had stupidly linked to Tom's blog from that secret one. Well, my mistake. Yesterday I received this text message:
hey mike. Don't worry about not calling. I found a secret blog of geoff's. It has me.. Anxious. Mad, i think. I don't know. We have to set him straight.
OK, first of all, not only do I have the right to feel how I feel, but I am also completely justified in all my feelings. Or at least, I have some reason to feel justified in my feelings. Because I was cut deep in a way that I totally did not deserve, regardless of what happened in my relationship with Micheal.
Secondly, "set him straight"? What the fuck does that mean? "We've got to get him to stop having these feelings of anger, bitterness, rage, hate ... We have to stop him from being human." Or maybe, "Let me beat him down until he knows not to ever try to keep a record of his fucking feelings ever again!" Maybe Tom's under some twisted impression that when he and Micheal fell in love behind my back and dreamed up this elaborate cheat-on-me scheme that I didn't get the fucking picture? Oh please.
I don't know if I got this text message by accident or if it was sent to me on purpose so I would know that Tom had discovered my other blog. But when I got home, I changed everything. I edited the link to Tom's blog, I changed all of the user information, and I changed the blog URL. I didn't want to delete the blog. I still wanted to know that I felt what I felt. I'm just not sure that I want Micheal to have access to it. Of course, who knows ... maybe Tom has already figured out some way to track my blog down again, maybe he already saved all of the entries. *Shrug*
Ugh. What a can of worms. Anyway ... hopefully I have a relatively happy weekend ahead of me before going back to work next week! Sarpreet the Bitch is in charge during Murtuza's absence, so who knows WTF is going to happen in coming weeks?!