Mar 15, 2006 17:54
So, yeah! Now that I am essentially a cripple (of forms) I can do things like waste time online! Really, I don't think it is a waste of time, I just, until lately, had no time. I've either been in New York with family affairs or so busy working that people around me started to explode. I exaggerate only the slightest when I say this; I was working a lot. Speaking of work, it seems like I have known, and continue to know, more people that work at Landmark Theatres than I do people that don't. That's, of course, not true, but the fact that it almost feels true is unnerving. I'm not even talking about the people that I work with, because obviously they work there. Point is: When did Landmark start hiring everyone I know? Anyway.
Since it has been such a long time since I've said anything, there's a lot to say. Most of it, however, is inconsequential or flat up boring. Consider yourself spared. One thing of interest, though, is the most recent exciting thing to happen to me. I was in the hospital for a while!
Currently: Recovering.
Recovering is boring because I had what I've decided to call petit Guillain Barre syndrome, because I was not paralyzed for very long. By the way, Guillain Barre is an auto-immune disease where one is paralyzed for a while because one's immune system fucks itself with it's fist. However, I had two spinal taps in the hospital which left me with holes in my spine which give me spinal headaches.
I have never had a headache in my life until this week and I get stuck with these. The headaches are so much fun that what goes on in your head and nervous system is good enough for your whole body, so the rest of you gets to lie in bed for most of the day. When your body tries to do something fun like standing or walking of most things that are not lying down, your body overloads and kills your head.
The moral of the story is, I'm pretty okay. I have had sort of a LJ nostalgia thing going on lately, and really, I miss you guys. You guys are great! If this were the Academy Awards (which I MISSED! damnit) I'd be thanking you all by your catchy names, some with numbers at the end.
Be prepared for Chris overloads! I hope your color scheme for me is good, because those colors will get old fast.