Jul 03, 2005 23:20
Woke up at 4:10 am to get back to Chicago and get a nice camp spot at the lakefront for the fireworks show at the Taste of Chicago today... Good stuff.
Met up with my family around 6 and set up our lil camp spot, stripped down to my shorts and sunbathed lol Mmmmmm tan. However, I forgot to put on more sunblock after I woke up and i wound up getting a ton of sunburn all over my body.. I can feel it. Tomorrow's gonna be interesting to wake up to lol
Oh man... the FINE ladies out today... Soooooooo hawt. Made me wish I had the balls though to go up and talk to some of them lol Admiring from afar... i guess it works.
Good food choices this year at the taste, a lot more to chose from and for less cost. Fireworks show this year was real good, but I feel last year's was much better due to some other circumstances that had occured.
Sore, tired, burned, and a lil hungry so Imma head out and .. probably shower then crash for 12 hours lol Tata.