An Open Letter to the Obama Team

Nov 10, 2008 10:14

This is a quick effort but I felt the need to try and get in touch with the Obama team. I have been a supporter of his since I met him at a dinner out here in California during his Congressional race.

I want to congratulate President Elect Obama on the stunning victory. It moved me to actually believe that anyone, no matter of their ethnic origin, can become president. It is a new day for America.

I feel that while he is creating his team and cabinet that there is a need to explore creating a new cabinet position whose sole responsibility is improving the sustainability, and the practices that entails, in the united states. This position would set standards for improvement for states down to local municipalities. It would teach constituents practices for energy and waste efficiency and try and find ways to encourage sustainability and make it more affordable.

It is the right time to start thinking about this, if the Obama team hits the ground running with this and forms this position in week one, imagine what that position would be able to do in a year or two.

Thank You,
Andrew Kornblatt
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