w/o God, not even perfection is perfect

Aug 02, 2004 11:37

Wow, i have a lot to say and be happy about but how much i am actually going to write is another deal all together. Ya know, i haven't been at this Live Journal thing to long but it's kinda fun yet difficult to write to such diverse readers and not give away anything personal or w/e...lol...i guess i should just write what i think about, what's going on, and how i feel.

I feel great. i had a wonderful weekend with my family in AL(besides getting sunburned!!). We opened birthday presents and so forth and it was a lot of fun. A few parts of the weekend were rough, though, like saturday night but it ended perfectly on Sunday night :-)

A few facts about God that are making me smile this morning: He is faithful even when our faith is weak, He is perfect in His own time, He answers prayers, He is there even when you can't find Him, He carries you when times are rough, He is the light at the end of the tunnel, He is the author of peace and not confusion, and when He restores things, He restores them stronger than they ever were before.

I leave for Tally on thursday and then from Tally to NC on Friday morning. I will be there until Tuesday, return to Tally that night, drive back to P-Cola on Wednesday, pack, leave for Tally for school on Saturday. Everything that scares most people about moving away doesn't scare me. I am not scared about classes, about meeting new people, about setting the right priorities, about money, or about being overloaded. No, none of that. It is something else. It is something much more important to me. BUT, God has set things up this way for a reason, for His purpose, and the things He sets up You can trust He will help you with (right Ryan?). And also, He is perfect in His own time :-)

Have a good day everyone and may you see God today! thanks for reading...

Jeremiah 17:7
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