Фотографируем ядерный взрыв. Улыбочку

Sep 22, 2010 11:32

Я большой любитель снимков ядерных грибов. (См., например, здесь Стадии ядерного взрыва) Но в 50-60-ые съемка этих завораживающих грибов проводилась в открытую. Да еще и туристов звали смотреть. Итак:

Сборник фотографий о съемках ядерных взрывов и не только.

In 1953, a team of cameramen from Lookout Mountain photograph an atomic blast. The haze just in front of them is dust kicked up from the desert floor by the approaching shock wave.

In 1956 in the South Pacific, the fireball from the detonation of a hydrogen bomb begins to spread.

In 1951, an atomic flash in the South Pacific illuminates V.I.P. observers.


In 1953 at the Nevada test site, the cameramen from Lookout Mountain photograph the firing of an atomic cannon. The ring of fire in the developing mushroom cloud is typical of the kinds of strange effects that scientists were eager to study and understand.

In 1955 at the government's test site, a rising fireball dwarfs a crew of atomic cameramen. On the right are rocket plumes, which scientists studied as a way to gauge the progress of shock waves through the atmosphere.

The image of an exploding nuclear bomb in the very instant that the fireball begins to destroy the tower that holds the weapon aloft.

In 1946, an explosion in the Pacific tests the vulnerability of destroyers and other warships to a nuclear blast.

Staff Sgt. John Kelly working at the government's Nevada test site in 1958 to photograph an atomic blast. He and his colleagues from the Lookout Mountain Laboratory in Hollywood produced thousands of atomic movies.

A fireball hangs over the desert. Tanks, jeeps and other test vehicles litter the desert floor milliseconds before the force of the explosion destroys them. Though hard to see just below the bottom of the fireball, a crescent-shaped shock wave has bounced off the desert floor and is merging into the expanding nuclear fire.



фото, война

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