CERT - безопасность в каждый дом! Перед прочтением сжечь

Apr 20, 2009 22:19

CERT AM is a country CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team). It is administered by a representative of the Armenian Internet domain.

AM NREN CSIRT is Armenia National Research and Education Network Computer Security Incident Response Team. It is administered by the representative of a major Armenian NREN which is ASNET-AM.

CERT AM/AM NREN CSIRT is a national information security center operating under the management of the Internet Society of Armenia.

CERT AM/AM NREN CSIRT collects and analyzes computer incident cases (i.e. attempts or facts of violation of local rules and policies or rules globally accepted by Internet community on using computer resources), concerning network resources located in Armenia as well as responses to them with the aim of preventing, stopping and collecting evidences about an incident. CERT AM/AM NREN CSIRT also serves as a contact point for users who needs an assistance in dealing with ISPs and Armenian official bodies which are in charge for investigating computer crime cases.

Прочитали? Так вот, случайно не заходите на сайт этого самого www.cert.am/ Я уже боюсь предположить- который месяц на нем висит троян. Алик писал еще в декабре . Троян пордолжает висеть. Благо, антивир и остальные порграммы - друзья параноика поймали его. Правда- все зависло- с такой наглостью все шло в комп.

armnet, Альцгеймер, информвойна

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